Pattern V-neck Sweater
Sizes: S-M (L-XL)
Measurements: Width = S-M: 56cm, L-XL: 60cm ; Full length = S-L: 54cm, L-XL: 59cm
Suggested materials: 8mm / 100cm circular knitting needles, tapestry needle, stitch holder
The V-neck Sweater is a casual elegant sweater with a natural oversized fit. The sweater is worked from the top down in garter st. The back of the body is worked first, then stitches are picked up to work the front. The V-neck is shaped by working increases along the neckline. After having worked the back and the front, stitches are picked up for the sleeves. The stitches under the arm and at both sides of the sweater are seamed together with a mattress stitch in the end.